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About The Time Between

On the morning of Friday, March 24, 1961, Dew Productions Inc. officially came into existence.  Created by Walter W. Dixon Jr. to serve as a vehicle for producing radio programs for syndication, Dew Productions counts as one of it’s most outstanding successes the widely acclaimed and very popular Time Between program. 

On the night of Friday, March 24, 1961, Walter Dixon, Douglas Duke and Edward Mitchell entered the darkened “Studio B” in WHAM’s beautiful, state-of-the-art Radio City Building on Humboldt Street.

The hour was late as they fell easily into a routine which would soon become a familiar weekly event.  Within the deep shadows of “Studio B,” they created little islands of light for microphone, keyboards and sound room.  It was an ambience well suited to the mood of the program they were about to produce. Often these recording sessions would continue into the wee hours of the morning.

Consisting of short vignettes narrated by Walter Dixon and complimented by the music of Douglas Duke, Walter’s “Time Between” slice-of-life recollections were designed to awaken memories, sooth the soul, and stir the heart.              

Walter Dixon and Douglas Duke loved working together.  They understood each other and they understood music in ways no one else did.  They loved racing sports cars and they loved having a good time.  But most of all they loved their music.  During those late night recording sessions, Walter’s words and Doug’s music ebbed and flowed in a nocturnal soliloquy of sound.  The listening audience loved it. Recalling those late night sessions, Walter Dixon once said, “It was a very exciting time.  We had a lot of fun.”

One of Rochester, New York’s best-known radio voices, Walter Dixon began thinking about creating an original program like The Time Between in the late 1950s.  With the formation of Dew Productions he was, at last, able to realize his dream.  He wrote and produced 29 Time Between programs in all.  For nearly two years they aired over WHAM at 11:15 on Sunday evenings.

The photos above show Walter Dixon, Douglas Duke and Edward Mitchell in WHAM's studio recording The Time Between programs. 

In this series of The Time Between radio program, the listener is gently introduced to Walter Dixon‚s evocative writing style and commanding vocal gift. Walter had the heart of a poet and when he spoke he evoked, perfectly, exactly the meaning, mood or feeling he wished to convey.   He had a gift for knowing how to pack a wallop… or touch the mind with fairy dust. 

Three CDS From The Time Between Program Are Available Below

Walter Dixon and Doug Duke The Time Between

The Time Between Radio Program CD
is available here.

Click here for more info and Sound Samples.

Order this CD here for $14.95 (includes shipping) by clicking on the PayPal button.

Or use our Order Form to order by mail .

The Time Between Special Edition

The Time Between Radio Program Special Edition CD is available here.

Click here for more info and Sound Samples.

Order this CD here for $14.95 (includes shipping) by clicking on the PayPal button.

Or use our Order Form to order by mail.


Time Between Christmas CD

The Time Between Radio Program Christmas Special CD is available here.

Click here for more info and Sound Samples.

Order this 2-CD set here for the price of one - $14.95 (includes shipping) by clicking on the PayPal button.

Or use our Order Form to order by mail.