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Ars Antiqua
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Walter was with the Rochester Ars Antiqua ensemble as a performer and narrator in their "Elizabethan Masters" productions during 1963 and 1964.  Long accustomed to producing professionally recorded "live" performances, Walter used WHAM's state-of-the-art equipment to professionally record the above mentioned performance, one of two productions in Ars Antiqua's "Elizabethan Masters" programs.   As far as possible, excerpts from Walter's recordings have been used on this Ars Antiqua site.

Unfortunately, neither Sheron Dixon nor Dorothy Amarandos knew these recordings existed until long after Ms Amarandos' beautiful CD set of Rochester's Ars Antiqua music was produced.

What Is Ars Antiqua

Click here for a brief history of the remarkable Ars Antiqua Ensemble.

Walter Dixon Reads Shakespeare

Walter Dixon as performer and narator with Ars Antiqua during 1963 and 1964.

Presented here for your listening pleasure!
The links below present Sheron Dixon's conversation with performers "Machi" Toribara, Myrta Knox and John Braund as they reminisce about their days with Ars Antiqua.

Ars Antiqua

Ars Antiqua Slide Show

Joyce Castle Ars Antiqua

Bouquets to Joyce Castle

Mixed Madri

Madrigals Are Hard To Sing